Resilience. Hope. Inspiration.

Ann Kenneally Dublin, Ireland.

I am a three time cancer survivor, and although my body has been through a lot and is still struggling with chronic pain, what Ive really learned through all of it is just how resilient we are as humans. There were certainly blessings along the way too, including the kindness of strangers. Someone I had never met in person but worked with my childrens father used to make me soup each day during the weeks of my chemo, and send it up to me. It was such a lovely thing to do, and meant so much to me. I will never forget that.

I wrote this poem on the day I finished my last chemo for my second cancer alongside a recurrence of my first cancer too, and it sums a lot up.

The photographs are of the day I finished dose dense chemo treatment, just before I got hospitalised with sepsis and then double pneumonia, and a photo of me today . This is my poem:


Beyond the Shock...Tic Toc...Tic Toc.....


The worst already had occured, had it not?

How does this compare? Scenarios....then, now.

Process....I wait in queue, just one, just two.

Me....what will be?

Live in this moment,

But acknowledge there is no propensity in this disease

There are you and like me.

Blonde, Dark, Auburn, Fair.


Take it, I don't care

Some of us have been here before, and yet...

I clutch at straws, I feel stubborn and strong,

NO, cancer you cannot have control.

Unwanted, unwelcome...go... go...

Positive, Negative...take away your things and go



The Tsunami hits, my very core is rocked

I peace....I fight for it.

I have that right

Fight, fight, fight....

I will be my own first aid kit

I am not scared of death

I choose to live

I will not be consumed by 'IT'

The essence of my life will not be coloured by death

Breathe, breathe......

This is MY breath!

I choose life

Non negotiable fight

Unrecognisable in my Reflection

I have become,

But peace I have and smile I will

As the outcome is


Ann Kenneally.

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